ஞாயிறு, 18 ஜூன், 2017

Referred Lead Rizal Naidu

Referred Lead

December 15, 2016

| Referrals... Effective way of Prospecting |

This is the most powerful way of getting new prospects. I go and see my policy holders to ask for referrals. In most cases, they give names but ask me not to mention their names.

Have you come across such situations? I had a friend of mine who told me to go and see his friend but told me not to mention his name.

I told him, "Thank you very much but, if I don't mention your name, do you know what type of treatment I'll get? How do you treat a person walking in to see you and a person who is referred to you by your friend ?" He smiled.

"Mr. Rizal Naidu, you must understand my situation. The moment you mention my name he might think that l am making a commission out of this introduction. I don't want to feel obligated". 

I replied, " Suppose I go and see him. He might not even want to see me at all. Just imagine if I mentioned your name and told him that I was asked to see him by his good friend. He will treat me very well and may even buy a policy. Let him think what he wants about you making a commission. Your intention is good for him and his family. You know the importance of insurance which is why you bought it.

 buying the policy, your friend dies of a heart attack or an accident. This time I'm going to deliver a cheque for RM100,000.00 to his wife who becomes a widow. Would the widow curse you for introducing the late husband to me or would she be grateful to you? She should thank you and not me. 

He immediately took his phone and called his friend, saying, "My good friend Mr. Rizal Naidu will be coming to see you. If you don't have any insurance, better get one from him. I have bought from him and am happy with his service". 

This approach helps close 75 percent of most deals. No more objections. The prospect says, "Give me the same as my friend's policy".


(The theme, extracts and personal notes prepared from the book "Power Closing" - Life Insurance Selling by Asia's Top Life Insurance Agent Dr. Rizal Naidu Abdullah, Phd, PJK)

| A must read book for all LIC Agents |



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