செவ்வாய், 27 பிப்ரவரி, 2018

மனிதர்களாக பிறந்த அனைவரிடமும் இருக்க வேண்டியவைகள்

மனிதர்களாக பிறந்த அனைவரிடமும் இருக்க வேண்டியவைகள்

தைரியமும், பொறுமையும்

எந்த ஒரு சூழலிலும் இந்த இரண்டையும் இழந்துவிட கூடாது. அது பெரிதாக இருந்தாலும் சரி, சிறிதாக இருந்தாலும் சரி, தைரியமாகவும், பொறுமையாகவும் இருக்க வேண்டும்.

கவனம் :

வாழ்க்கையில் நாம் எடுக்கும் முடிவுகளிலும், ஈடுபடும் செயல்களிலும் எல்லா தருணத்திலும் கவனமாக இருத்தல் அவசியம்.

நல்ல நோக்கம் :

நல்ல நோக்கங்கள் இருக்க வேண்டும். அனைவரையும் ஊக்குவிக்க வேண்டும். உடல் மற்றும் சமூக ஆரோக்கியம் கொண்டிருக்க வேண்டும்.

தளர்ந்துவிடக் கூடாது :

எந்த ஒரு தருணத்திலும் சரி, கடுமையான போராட்டங்களுக்கு தீர்வுக் கிடைக்கவில்லை என்றாலும் கூட நகர்ந்து செல்லாமல் கடுமையாக வேலை செய்ய தயங்க கூடாது.

ஆபத்து சூழ்நிலைகளை எப்படி கையாள வேண்டும் என்ற மனப்பக்குவம் குறித்து தெரிந்திருக்க வேண்டும்.

பகிர்தல் :

உணவு, மகிழ்ச்சி, பணம் என எதுவாக இருந்தாலும் குடும்பத்துடனும், நண்பர்களுடனும் பகிர்ந்துக் கொள்ளும் பண்பு இருக்க வேண்டும்.

இரகசியம் :

இரகசியங்கள் காக்க தெரிந்திருக்க வேண்டும். அனைவருக்கும் உண்மையாக இருக்க வேண்டும். உள்ளொன்றுமாக, புறமொன்றுமாக இருத்தல் கூடாது.

விடா முயற்சி :

வாழ்க்கையின் எல்லா தருணத்திலும் பொறுமையும், விடா முயற்சியும் கொண்டிருக்க வேண்டும். அது உறவாக இருப்பினும் சரி, வேலையாக இருப்பினும் சரி.

நல்லவை, கெட்டவை :

தேவையற்றதை மறக்கவும் கற்றிருக்க வேண்டும். வேண்டாதவற்றை எண்ணி எண்ணி வருந்தும் குணம் இருத்தல் கூடாது. அதே போல நன்மை தரும் செயல்களையும், நல்லவர்களையும் மறந்துவிட கூடாது.

பணிவு :

பணிவாக நடந்துக் கொள்ள வேண்டும். பணம், வெற்றி காரணம் காட்டி அகம்பாவம் வெளிப்படுத்த கூடாது. அகம்பாவம் நல்லறிவு, சிறப்புகள் போன்றவற்றை அழிக்கும் என்பதை அறிந்திருக்க வேண்டும்.

இலட்சியம் :

இலட்சியம் கொண்டிருக்க வேண்டும், தன்னை சுற்றி இருப்பவர்களிடம் தாழ்மையுடன் நடந்துக் கொள்ள வேண்டும்.

திறமை :

தன்னிடம் திறமை இருக்கிறது என்பதற்காக, தன்னால் சாதிக்க முடியும் என்பதற்காக, மற்றவர்களை தாழ்த்தி மதிப்பிட கூடாது.

நல்வாழ்வு :

உணவு மீதும், உடல் மீதும் பெரும் அக்கறை கொண்டவராக இருக்க வேண்டும். தன்னை சுற்றி இருப்பவர்களையும் இது சார்ந்து ஊக்கப்படுத்த வேண்டும்.

சோம்பள் :

எப்போதும் தூங்கிக்கொண்டே சோம்பேறி தனமாக இருத்தல் கூடாது. எந்நேரமும் சுறுசுறுப்பாக செயற்படக் கூடிய நபராக இருக்க வேண்டும்.

மரியாதை :

ஒரு மனிதன் உயர்ந்த நிலையில் இருந்தாலும், பெரியவர்கள், முன்னோர்கள், சான்றோர்கள் என அனைவருக்கும் மதிப்பளிக்க தெரிந்த குணம் இருக்க வேண்டும்.

ஏமாற்றுதல் :

தன்னை விட எல்லா வகையிலும் வலுவற்றவனிடம் நேரடியாகவோ, மறைமுகமாகவோ அவர்களை ஏமாற்றுதல், பணம் பிடுங்குதல் போன்ற சம்பவங்களில் ஈடுபடக்கூடாது.

புதன், 21 பிப்ரவரி, 2018

உதவியாளர் ஷியாம்

ராமு ஒரு முதியவர் அவருக்கு உடல் நிலை சரியில்லை. அவரை பரிசோதித்த மருத்துவர் மருந்துகள் எழுதித் தந்தார். ராமு அவர்களின் உதவியாளர் ஷியாம் மருந்து வாங்கி வர புறப்பட்டார். இரவு நேரம். ராமுவின் உதவியாளர் ஷியாம் ஒரு மருந்து கடை திறந்திருப்பதைக் கண்டான். மருந்து வாங்கினான்். மருந்துகளின் மொத்த விலை 60ரூபாய் வேலையாள் 100 ரூபாய் நோட்டைத் தந்தான்.

 என்னிடம் சில்லறை இல்லை.. மீதி 40ரூபாயை நாளை காலை வந்து வாங்கிக் கொள்கிறாயா? என்று கேட்டார்.

 சரி என்று சொல்லிவிட்டு அங்கிருந்து புறப்பட்டான் உதவியாளர் ஷியாம் அந்த மருந்து கடை எதிரில் ஓர் எருமைமாடு நிற்பதைப் பார்த்தார். அதையே இந்தக் கடையிருக்கும் இடத்தின் அடையாளமாக மனதில் பதிய வைத்துக் கொண்டான்

 மறுநாள் காலை அந்த தெருவுக்கு  உதவியாளர் ஷியாம் வந்தான். அப்போது எருமை மாடு நின்று கொண்டிருந்த இடத்திற்கு எதிரில் இருந்த கடையில் நுழைந்தான். நான் உங்க கடையில் நேற்று இரவு வந்து மருந்து வாங்கினேன். நீங்கள் எனக்கு 40 ரூபாய் மீதி தர வேண்டும் என்றான்.

 கடைக்காரர் நீங்க கடை மாறி வந்திட்டீங்க. இது மளிகைக் கடை. மருந்து கடையில்லை. எனக்கு தர வேண்டிய 40 ரூபாயை ஏமாற்ற மருந்து கடையை இரவோடு இரவாக மளிகைக்கடையாக மாத்திட்டீங்களா? என்று கேட்டான்.

 இது ரொம்ப வருஷமா மளிகைக் கடை தான். நேற்று இரவு நீங்கள் என்னை பார்க்கவில்லை என்றார் கடைக்காரர். அதற்கு ராமுவின் உதவியாளர் ஷியாம் நீ தாடி ஒட்டி வைத்துக்கொண்டு வேஷம் போட்டாலும் என்னை ஏமாற்ற முடியாது. எனக்கு தர வேண்டிய 40ரூபாயைக் கொடுங்கள் என்று கேட்டான்.

 இது என்னடா வம்பு. நான் பல வருஷமா தாடி வச்சிருக்கேன். இது நிஜ தாடி. நம்புங்க. இரவு நீங்க இங்கு வரவில்லை. நீங்க வாங்கிய கடை வேற கடையாக இருக்கும். நன்றாக யோசித்து பாருங்க என்றார் கடைக்காரர்.

 ராமுவின் உதவியாளர் ஷியாம் திடீரென கடைக்காரரின் தாடியைப் பிடித்து இழுத்தான். தாடி கையோடு வரவேண்டும் என்பது அவரது நம்பிக்கை. ஆனால் தாடி வரவில்லை.

 சரிஇ நீங்க 40ரூபாயை கொடுக்க வேண்டாம். இரவோடு இரவாக மருந்துக் கடையை மளிகைக் கடையாக மாற்றியது எப்படி என்று சொல்ல வேண்டாம். ஆனால் ஒரே இரவில் எப்படி இப்படி தாடி வளர்த்தீங்க. அதை மட்டும் தயவு செய்து சொல்லி விடுங்கள் என்றான். கடைக்காரர் பதில் சொல்ல முடியாமல் திகைத்து நின்றார்.

வெற்றி பாதையில் தான் செல்கிறீர்களா !

வெற்றி பாதையில் தான் செல்கிறீர்களா !
🍭 நாம் ஒரு வாய்ப்பாளரிடம் வாய்ப்பை பெறுவதற்கு என்ன என்னமோ செய்கிறோம். ஆனால் நாம் செய்யும் அனைத்தும், பாலிசி பெறுவதற்கு உறுதுணையாக இருக்கிறதா என்று ஒரு நிமிடம் சிந்தித்து இருக்கிறோமா?

இல்லையெனில் நாம் சிந்தித்து பார்ப்பதற்கான சரியான தருணம் இதுதான்.

🍭 நாம் அனைவருக்கும்  அதிக பாலிசிகளை விற்று அதிக கமிசன் ஈட்டவேண்டும் , Club member ஆக வேண்டும்
என்ற இலட்சியம் இருக்கும் ஆனால் நாம் அந்த இலட்சியத்தை நோக்கித்தான் செல்லுகிறோமா என்று நினைத்து பாருங்கள்.

🍭 சில சமயங்களில் நமது இலட்சியத்தை அடைவதற்கான வாய்ப்புகள் கிடைத்திருக்கலாம். ஆனால் அதில் நமக்கு வெற்றி கிடைக்காமல் போயிருக்கும். எனவே அந்த இலட்சியத்தை கைவிடுவது நல்லதா?

🍭 நமக்கு ஏற்பட்ட சில தோல்விகளால் நமது இலட்சியத்தை விட்டுவிட்டு, கிடைக்கும் சிறு வெற்றியை ஏற்றுக் கொண்டால் அது நமக்கு திருப்திகரமாக அமையுமா? நிச்சயம் அமையாது.

🍭 நமது முகவாண்மை பனியில்் கவனம் செலுத்த முடியாமல் நமது இலட்சியத்தை அடையவும் முடியாமல் நமது வாழ்க்கையே நரகமாக மாறிவிடும்.

🍭 எனவே நமது இலட்சியத்தை அடைவதில் நாம் உறுதியாக இருக்க வேண்டும். நமக்கு ஏற்படும் சில தோல்விகளால் மனம் துவண்டுவிடாமல், அந்த தோல்விகளை நமது அனுபவமாக மாற்றிக் கொள்ளவேண்டும்.

🍭 இலட்சியத்தை அடைவற்கு, நம்மை அனைத்து விதத்திலும் நாம் நன்றாக தயார் செய்துக்கொள்ள வேண்டும். தக்க வாய்ப்பு கிடைக்கும் பொழுது அந்த வாய்ப்பை நழுவவிடாமல் அதில் வெற்றி பெற வேண்டும்.

🍭 சில சமயங்களில் நம்மை விட இவன் அறிவில் குறைந்தவனாக இருக்கிறான். இவனுக்கு மட்டும் எப்படி இந்த வெற்றி வாய்ப்பு கிடைத்தது? என்று நினைக்கலாம்.

🍭 ஆனால் நிச்சயமாக நம்மிடம் இல்லாத ஆற்றலையோ இல்லை சிறந்த பண்புகளையோ அவன் பெற்றிருக்கலாம் என்பதை உணரவேண்டும்.

🍭 நம்மில் பலபேர் எனக்கு அதிர்ஷ்டமே இல்லை, அதனால் தான் நான் தோல்வி அடைந்து கொண்டே இருக்கிறேன் என்று கூட நினைக்கலாம். ஆனால், நாம் அதிர்ஷ்டத்தின் மேல் வைத்திருக்கும் நம்பிக்கையை நம் மீது வைத்து பாருங்கள் நிச்சயம் வெற்றி நமக்கே!!
ஆண்டு இறுதியில் சிறுவாய்ப்பையும் நழுவவிடாமல் புது வணிகம் புரிந்து மன்ற தகுதிநிலையில் உயர்வோம்.
எல்ஐசியை காப்போம்...
முகவர்களை பாதுகாப்போம்....

புதன், 14 பிப்ரவரி, 2018

8% GUARANTEED Pension available only in LIC OF INDIA

Budget 2018: proposes to increase PMVVY limit to Rs 15 lakh.

The Pradhanmantri Vaya Vandana Yojana (PMVVY)is a pension scheme subsidised by the Government of India.

The finance minister has proposed to extend the PMVVY  scheme till March, 2020.

 It has also proposed to increase the current investment limit t o Rs 15 lakh from the existing limit of Rs 7.5 lakh per senior citizen.

The PMVVY is a pension scheme subsidised by the Government of India. The amount of investment made in the scheme is called the 'purchase price'. PMVVY was launched on May 4, 2017, and was initially meant to be available for one year from the launch.

Depending on the pension option (monthly, quarterly, yearly), the pension begins as an arrear, i.e., starts from the end of the chosen period.

The scheme is for a period of 10 years and is based on the amount of investment. It carries a fixed and assured pension (return) as mentioned in the policy document till the maturity of the scheme.

The amount of pension in PMVVY is not based on age. The return in PMVVY range from 8 to 8.3 percent depending on the mode of pension that one chooses. Similar to post office monthly income scheme or the senior citizen savings scheme (SCSS), the maximum investment amount (purchase price) and the pension amount that one can get is capped.

The limits

Currently, the total amount of pension or the purchase price under all the PMVVY policies allowed to a family cannot exceed Rs 60,000 per annum or Rs 7.5 lakh respectively. The family for this purpose will comprise of the pensioner, his or her spouse and dependents.

Calculation of pension amount
Illustratively, if one invests Rs 5 lakh (purchase price) and opts for a yearly pension, the pension amount will be:

For every  the pension amount comes to Rs 41,500 annually. So, if one needs a monthly pension of Rs 3,000, one needs to invest Rs 4.5 lakh. On investing the maximum allowed amount of Rs 7.5 lakh, a monthly pension for ten years will be Rs 5,000.

On maturity or on death
PMVVY has a term of ten years and on surviving the date of maturity, the purchase price along with the final pension installment is refunded to the individual. On death during the policy term of 10 years, only the purchase price is refunded to the beneficiary.

Early exit
In case the investor needs money for the treatment of any critical or a terminal illness of self or spouse, the exit is allowed and in that case the 98 percent of Purchase Price will be refunded.

Where to buy
LIC of India has been given the sole privilege to operate this scheme. This scheme can be purchased offline as well as online from the LIC website.

There is no tax benefit available on the amount invested. Further, the pension received will be fully taxable in the hands of the individual in the year of receipt. The government, however, has exempted PMVVY from service tax

PMVVY does not have any tax benefit and neither is the income tax-free. It, however, offers a return higher than bank FD's and comes with a sovereign guarantee.

Retirees especially senior citizens look for investment avenues which are safe and provide an assured return to meet their regular income needs. No one single investment product can meet the requirements of an investor such as , liquidity, taxability, safety and other concerns. One has to keep a diversified retirement portfolio so that it optimally meets the investor's concerns.

Importantly, as interest rates in the country are on the way down, PMVVY locks up the funds for a longer duration and assures a fixed income for the next ten years. The downside is that if the interest rate takes a u-turn anytime during the tenure, the investor will be at a disadvantage as liquidity in PMVVY is highly restrictive. Invest only a portion of your funds which you feel can be parked for a longer tenure.

திங்கள், 12 பிப்ரவரி, 2018

Stand Up and Stand Out! 12 Ways to Get Your Prospects to Call You Back

Stand Up and Stand Out! 12 Ways to Get Your Prospects to Call You Back

No matter how persuasive, compelling or brilliant you may be, it's difficult to build a relationship with a prospect if you can't get them to call you back.

Most sales people use boring, outdated voice and email methods, which leave them sounding just like every other sales person in the world. If you want to get more return calls from your clients, then you have to do something different from everyone else out there - you have to stand out, be likeable, and actively deserve a return call.

Here are 12 of the best ideas we've found to help you stand up, stand out and make your clients want to return your calls:

1. The fine line between persistence and stalking. 
I rarely ever give up. That being said, I don't call my prospects twice a day, either.

The trick is to call consistently, and if you leave a message, tell the customer precisely when you will call them back - and then stick to it. I usually say something like: "If I don't hear from you by March 15th, I'll call you back on the 16th." I get return calls more often, because my prospects know that I will be calling them if they don't get in touch with me.

Most experts agree that it takes at least 4 attempts to reach your prospect. Realistically, I find that number can be closer to 8. But some of my best customers today are those who I was initially the most patient with, and to whom I made multiple calls over a period of weeks, or even months.

2. Let them off the hook. 
In a voice or email, it's a great idea to tell a prospect that's its OK for them to say no.

Say something like: "If you've chosen to go with a different product, that's okay. Just let me know so I don't become a follow-up pest." The vast majority of the time, one of two things will happen - they'll either call you back and say, yes, we've chosen someone else, or they'll say no, we haven't made a decision yet, and apologize for not getting back to you sooner.

Either way, you're ahead of the game because now you know the truth about what's going on.

3. Send a handwritten note. 
Sending a handwritten note after your first sales call or presentation will dramatically increase your chances of getting a return call. Why? Because a handwritten note increases your likeability, helps make the prospect feel good about you and encourages them to take your calls.

I never cease to be amazed at the number of emails I receive from clients and prospects thanking me for my handwritten notes. Obviously, they have an effect on people that yet another voice or email doesn't.

4. Put them on auto-drip. 
If you've tried everything you can think of and still can't seem to get through, but you aren't quite ready to give up entirely, put the prospect on auto-drip, and send them something interesting and of value (not simply advertisements) every month or quarter. This will help to keep you top of mind for when the time is right for them to make a decision, or go looking for a supplier. For more tips on how to stay in touch without straying into stalking territory, check out our article, The Fine Line Between Persistence - and Stalking!

5. Ask if they're okay
This is an excellent idea from Engage client Michael Freer, who uses it in both voice and email to drum up a response from clients who have unexpectedly gone silent:

Dear Bob;

On the XXth of June, I sent you an email asking for… and as I haven't heard from you, I can only assume one of the following:

1) You're now not interested and I'm reduced to the status of an annoying piece of spam clogging up your email; or

2) You desperately want to contact me, but you're trapped under a fallen filing cabinet and can't reach your phone or PC.

Your guidance would be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards,

Michael Freer

P.S. If it is #2, please let me know and I'll send someone round to help you out.

This very simple approach works because it's different and fun. We tried it, and received almost immediate responses from previously silent contacts, many of whom started off by apologizing, saying that they've been buried in work and then going into great detail about why they were still interested. The ones who don't respond are either on a really long vacation, or really aren't interested, so it isn't worth wasting any more time on them anyway.

On a happy note, we never did get any responses from prospects who were indeed trapped under their filing cabinets, saving us the difficulty and expense of organizing a costly rescue mission!

6. Create a deadline. 
After every conversation, you should gain agreement from the prospect as to next steps, and the date they will be accomplished. That way, when the time for the follow-up call comes around and the prospect doesn't show up, you can leave a message like: "I'm calling because the last time we spoke, we agreed to chat today about…."

Reminding them of your agreement will help move them to call you back. If they don't return your call in a couple of days, keep calling, and gently remind them of your mutual agreement.

7. Keep track of who hasn't answered. 
Document each call or email in your CRM, so you can remember when you last spoke with, left a message for or sent an email to a client. You can then bring up those dates in a subsequent message, such as: "When we last emailed on Feb 1st, we agreed that I would…"

8. Separate the facts from your imagination. 
Try to find out what's really going on, rather than what you simply think or assume is happening. The following 3-step voice mail strategy works because it increases your chances of getting a return call, and it always gets you to the truth:

VOICE MAIL #1: "Mr. X, this is John Doe from ABC Company. Paul Smith suggested I call you because… Sorry I missed you today, but I'll try to reach you again on DATE and TIME."

Make sure your tone is soft, non-threatening and friendly. You don't want to sound like a radio ad for a furniture liquidator. Plus, it's critical that you do call back on the date and time that you say.

VOICE MAIL #2: "Hi Mr. X, this is John Doe from ABC Company calling because I promised to reach you today at TIME. Sorry I missed you. Paul Smith suggested I call you because… I'll try you again on DATE and TIME."

Again, it's critical that you call back exactly when you said you would. Anything else would result in your being less than honest, and risk losing your contact's confidence.

VOICE MAIL #3: "Hi Mr. X, this is John Doe at ABC Company calling, because I promised to reach you today at TIME. Sorry I missed you. I notice that you've been difficult to reach and I'm wondering if that's because you're swamped at work, you aren't interested in doing business with my company or I've been wrong at guessing the times you might be at your desk. Any of these is okay, but if you wouldn't mind letting me know how to proceed, that would be great. I promised Paul Smith I would be in touch with you, and that I would get back to him about our conversation. My number is 613 730-7700, extension 111."

The last reason for not reaching the prospect - that you've been wrong at guessing the times he or she might be at his or her desk - is important because it lets you take ownership of the reason you can't reach the customer. You can change the other two reasons based on your specific sales situation - for example, if this was a follow-up call after sending a proposal, you might say: "I'm wondering if that's because you didn't have a chance to see the proposal, you were unhappy with the pricing I sent or I've been wrong at guessing the times you might be at your desk."

9. Call early or late in the day. 
One of the ways I follow up with senior-level decision makers is to call either quite early in the morning (say around 7:30am) or late in the day (after 5pm), without leaving a message if I don't get a person. I've found that, by calling at these times, the decision makers are often alone in the office without a gatekeeper, and therefore more likely to pick up calls themselves.

10. Change your media. 
If a prospect hasn't responded to an email you sent within 5 business days, call to ask them if they received it. Likewise, if they haven't responded to a phone call, send them an email.

Everyone has their own preferred way to communicate. Your job is to find out which communication tool is easier for the prospect. One Engage client specifically tells customers on her voice mail messages that she'll be sending them an email as well in case that is better for them, and in her emails, she lets them know that she'll be calling in case that works better. This not only increases your chances of reaching the prospect, but also shows them that you're putting their interests first.

11. Prepare for the "Final Approach." 
Whether in voice or email, when you're ready to permanently write an uncommunicative prospect off, let the customer know that this will be the final attempt you'll be making to reach them. Try something like:

"I notice that it's been X weeks since we last spoke, and I'm assuming that's because you are no longer interested in our product. That's OK, I understand that we are not a fit for everyone. The last thing I want is to become a follow-up pest! If you're still interested, you can reach me at 111-1111. If I don't hear from you, then I'll assume that you are moving ahead in a different direction, and I won't call again to interrupt. I wish you all the best on your project, and thank you for considering us."

12. Have some fun - and take a risk! 
Engage customer Greg Higgins uses this approach with great results:

"Hi Bob, this is Greg from ABC Corporation. I'm beginning to feel that we have a love-hate relationship with your answering machine - I love to leave messages, you hate to return them. Maybe we can talk soon. Thanks."

Yes, it's sassy. But Greg reports that 99% of the time he uses this, he gets a call back. And of course, he only uses this approach on the most desperate cases.

Here's your challenge: try something new this week! After all, what you've been doing so far hasn't been working, so what have you got to lose - especially with those prospects who've been silent for a while anyway?

9 tips for increase sales

The fastest way to grow your business is to leverage your current client base. By leverage, I mean that with some strategic planning your clients will introduce you to new opportunities to increase sales.

1. Secure Internal Referrals

Internal referrals are referrals that happen within one business. For example, your current buyer, who is a client, could refer you to another executive, employee or department at his business who could also become a client.

You gain internal referrals by holding cross department meetings such as business reviews, or lunch and learn gatherings, and by asking for direct referrals from your original buyers. Start to develop an organizational chart now for any existing client. Map out the people, department or divisions you want to be introduced to and start asking to meet them.

2. Ask for External Referrals 

External referrals are referrals that are obtained outside of your current client’s organization. One of the most effective ways to secure an external referral is to call your client and ask “I will be speaking to (name) at Company X. Can I tell them we do business together?”  

You can also ask your client base directly for introductions to expand your network of potential clients. The key is to always know who you want to be introduced to. Try: “I would like to meet Bob Smith. Can you help me with an introduction?” You will receive a more favorable response to this specific request for introduction rather than a general request such as “Who do you know?”

3. Ask for Testimonials 

The third way to leverage your client base is to ask for testimonials. Produce video, audio or text testimonials that will influence sales leads and encourage them to become clients.

Sharing testimonials will showcase your brand as successful at helping others achieve great results. To do this effectively, all testimonials need to be current (with companies that are still operating successfully), credible (with buyers that have a good reputation in the marketplace), and compelling (showcasing objective performance improvements).

4. Publish Case Studies

Case studies are a powerful way to illustrate what you can do for a potential client. A high-quality case study will show people what kind of results you can help them achieve and what you are capable of accomplishing. As an added bonus case studies, unlike testimonials can be effective anonymously. If you have a highly successful client who wishes to keep their success a secret, a case study can be a great compromise. 

The key to publishing effective case studies is to highlight the results your products create. They need to outline a problem, solution and the result of your work with the client.

5. Hold Client Conferences

Client conferences, or events where you bring together key prospects, current clients, partners and vendors, are the perfect environment for solidifying relationships and opening new opportunities. When buyers and prospects talk to each other, network (and more on networking here) and get together, they create tight networks that help you grow your client base. Bringing clients together for a live event also increases loyalty because they create a sense of community.

6. Have a Power Lunch 

A power lunch is a lunch you orchestrate for two clients to meet, and where you facilitate client-to-client business. To do this, pick two clients who should meet each other, invite them out for lunch and facilitate the interest and introduction. Pay for this lunch, and let your clients talk about their businesses and expand their networks.

The goal of a power lunch isn’t for you to reap immediate sales; it is to increase the intangible value your clients receive from you. When you do this, your clients will be more likely to invest more in your business and become bigger clients.

7. Host an Advisory Panel

Hosting an advisory panel, where you invite multiple people from your company as well as some of your clients to discuss a specific topic, gives you the chance to hear what the client and industry wants and needs. Besides creating a future opportunity to sell your products to people who already know they need them, advisory panels improve loyalty(click here for more loyalty building tips) because your clients feel that you are listening to them

8. Put Together an Educational Event 

Educational events can be internal or external and they can be live or virtual. Invite some current clients and some prospective clients and make sure they have a chance to interact with each other. The idea behind an educational event is to help keep you engaged with your clients, let your clients hear what other clients are doing and bolster your standing with new prospects.

Even better? Host an educational event that includes a case study!

9. Nominate Clients for Local Business Awards

When you nominate your clients for local business awards, like “fastest growing business,” “top managed business,” “top CEO,” or any of the dozens of other local business awards many cities have, you strengthen relationships between you and buyers.

Any buyer you nominate will invite you to the award event and introduce you to their friends and promote you to their connections, which are all prospective clients. They will invite you to their table and promote as “the person” who “made this happen.” Everyone loves to feel appreciated and when you promote your client’s success publicly and in a genuine manner you are rewarded with reciprocal genuine support. This is what creates leverage.

When you have achieved leverage, your client has been transformed into an advocate. They provide testimonials, references and case studies powerful enough to attract other prospects to you without you asking them to do it. In this way, they become your secret sales force. The leverage state can yield an incredible amount of power so be sure to harness it!

Written by

Colleen Francis

Hall of Fame Keynote Speaker, Award-winning Sales Acceleration Strategist, Best Selling Author

திங்கள், 5 பிப்ரவரி, 2018

LIC  Jeevan Lakshya Policy Benefit Illustration with example.

LIC  Jeevan Lakshya Policy Benefit Illustration with example.

Mr. Raju has taken LIC Jeevan Lakshyapolicy with following details:

Rajus’ age: 30 yearsPolicy Term: 20 yearsBasic Sum Assured: 10 lakhsPremium Paying term: ( Policy term – 3 years)= 20 years- 3 years = 17 years

Death Benefit: If Raju dies after 5 years from the date of receipt of policy.  The death benefit payable will be:

From the 6th year of policy period, nominee will receive Rs. 1,00,000/- (10% of Basic sum assured) on every policy anniversary till end of the policy term(20th Year).At end of policy term/ maturity date, Nominee will be paid Rs. 11,00,000/- (110% of sum assured) + Vested simple Revisionary Bonuses + Final Additional Bonus (If Any).

Maturity Benefit: If Mr. Raju is surviving till the end of the policy, the maturity benefit received

Maturity Amount = Sum Assured + vested Simple Revisionary bonuses + Final Additional bonus (if any)

Maturity Amount =  10,00,000 + vested Simple Revisionary bonuses + Final Additional bonus (if any)

This Is a Combination of Mutual fund and and LIC combination so client will get more returns from mutual fund and more security from LIC policy.

Kindly feel free to call if you have any queries. 

Best regards

Financial Counsellor

வெள்ளி, 2 பிப்ரவரி, 2018

Nominee Vs Legal Heirs. Who will win?

Nominee Vs Legal Heirs. Who will win?

Picture a scenario where a considerable sum of money has been invested in a fixed deposit. A nomination has also been made. Sometime later, the depositor passes away and the money in the fixed deposit is given to the nominee. Everything seems to be going well, when suddenly, someone comes forward claiming they are the deceased person’s legal heir and that they are entitled to the money given to the nominee. The matter goes up in front of a judge and the judge rules that the money, assuming the claimant was indeed the depositor’s legal heir, goes to the legal heir. How did this happen?

It may come as a surprise to you but a nominee, in fact, is not the same thing as a legal heir and the claim of a legal heir supersedes that of the nominee. Confused? Don’t worry, there is an explanation to support this.

What is a nominee?

Technically speaking, a nominee is just a custodian. They are people on whom falls the responsibility of ensuring that the legal heir of the depositor gets the money from a fixed deposit. While there may be times when the nominee is the same as the legal heir, their status as nominee means that they don’t really ‘own’ the money.

What is a legal heir?

A legal heir, simply put, is a person defined by a will and testament as the person who should receive the benefits of the deceased’s estates and, in this case, the money from the fixed deposit.

But what happens if no will has been created?

In such cases, legal heirs may be decided based on prevailing laws of inheritance in India. This means that the decision will be made based on the Hindu Law or the Muslim law, etc.

Defining who gets the maturity proceeds

The answer to this question is painfully simple. Make a will!

Some people assume that making a will is an archaic practice and that a nomination is enough to ensure that the money goes where you want it to, but they are wrong. The contents of a will always supplant any claims made by anyone else. If you want to ensure that the nominee gets the benefits, mention it clearly in the will.

What happens in case there are no instructions left behind?

Wills and nominations are all fine but what happens if the deceased left no instructions about what was to be done with the fixed deposit in the event of their death?

There are two things that may happen in such a case. First, the bank will try and get in touch with someone related to the deceased deposit-holder. Second, and more likely, is that, in case no one can be reached, the bank will reinvest the fixed deposit or park the money till such time as someone claims it. If someone does come forward to claim the amount, they will be asked to prove their relationship with the depositor before getting access to the FD funds.